MAY 13,2019


1. Call to Order by Chairman
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Public Comment
4. Announcement of Executive Session
5. Consider Approval of Minutes of April 22,2019 Meeting
6. Consider Waiver of Permit Fee - Bridal Path Cub Scout Pack229 - Rocket Launch
7. Consider Resolution Recognizing National Police Week
8. Presentation of Police Officer Commendations
9. Consider Resolution Recognizing National Public Works Week
10. Public Hearing - Verizon Franchise Agreement
1 1. Consider Authorization to Execute PennDOT Reimbursement Agreement- Powerline Trail
Connector Phase 1 Project (TAP Grant)
12. Consider Authorization for Sale of Municipal Equipment by Online Auction - Police Cars
13. Presentation of Year-to-Date 2019 Budget Report
14. Authorization for Unbudgeted Expenditure - CRC Gymnasium Wall Padding
15. Announce Highlights of Recent Arbor Day and E-Recycling Events
16. Consider Professional Service ProposalAsh Tree Forestry Management Program Phases 4 - 7
Timberlink Consulting LLC
17. Consider Release of Maintenance Bond and Final Escrow Release - 1390 Welsh Road - LDS #681
18. Consider Approval of Escrow Releases:
a. Release # 5 - LDS #694 Higher Rock Partners, LP Grading Permit (Phase 1)
b. Release # 4 - LDS #694 Higher Rock Partners, LP Land Development (Phase 2)
19. Consider Authorization to Execute Amendments to lmprovement Agreements:
a. Second Amendment - LDS #630 - Firefox Phase I Southern Village Land Development
Agreement and Financial Security Agreement
b. First Amendment - LDS #630 - Firefox Phase ll Northern Village Land Development
20. Consider Payment of Bills

21. Other Business
22. Adjournment

Future Public Hearinqs/Meetinqs:
O5-15-2019 @6:00pm - Sewer Authority
05-15-2019 @7:30pm - Shade Tree Commission
05-'l5-20'19 @7:30pm - Public Safety Committee
O5-16-2019 @7:30pm - Planning Commission
05-20-2019 @6:00pm - Finance Committee
05-21-2019 @tZ:SOpm - Business Development Partnership
05-28-20{9 @Z:OOpm - (TUESDAY) Board of Supervisors

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