JANUARY 3, 2017



            At 7:00 p.m.  Vice-Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera called to order an executive session.  In attendance were Supervisors Robert J. Birch, Michael J. Fox, Jeffrey W. McDonnell and Richard E. Miniscalco.  Also in attendance were Lawrence Gregan and Robert Iannozzi, Esquire. 

            Vice-Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera called the re-organization meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.  In attendance were Supervisors Robert J. Birch, Michael J. Fox, Jeffrey W. McDonnell and Richard E. Miniscalco.  Also in attendance were Robert Iannozzi, Esquire, Lawrence Gregan, Chief Scott Bendig, Ann Shade, Stacy Crandell, Bruce Shoupe, Kevin Costello, Floyd Shaffer, Ami Tarburton, and Rich Grier.

            Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Vice-Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera called for public comment from the audience and there was none.

            Solicitor Robert Iannozzi announced that the Board had met in an executive session prior to this meeting and discussed a possible property acquisition, Police negotiations and other personnel matters.  Mr. Iannozzi stated that these matters are legitimate subjects of executive session pursuant to Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Law.

            Supervisor Michael J. Fox made a motion and Supervisor Jeffrey W. McDonnell seconded the motion to nominate Candyce Fluehr Chimera to serve as the Temporary Chair until a new Chairman was elected.  Approval of the nomination was unanimous.

 Supervisor Robert J. Birch nominated Candyce Fluehr Chimera to be the Chairman for 2017, Supervisor Jeffrey W. McDonnell seconded the motion.  By Resolution #1, made by Supervisor Robert J. Birch and seconded by Supervisor Jeffrey W. McDonnell, Candyce Fluehr Chimera was elected unanimously to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for 2017.

Supervisor Jeffrey W. McDonnell nominated Robert J. Birch to be the Vice Chairman for 2017, Supervisor Richard E. Miniscalco seconded the motion.  By Resolution #2 made by Supervisor Jeffrey W. McDonnell and seconded by Supervisor Richard E. Miniscalco, Robert J. Birch was unanimously elected to serve as Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for 2017.

Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera commended all of the Township’s Volunteer Boards and Committees for their service during the year 2016 and expressed the Township’s appreciation to the Board and Committee members for their dedication and time in serving on Township committees.

Resolution #3, made by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Supervisor Jeffrey W. McDonnell and adopted unanimously re-appointed committee volunteers with expiring terms of January 1, 2017 to new terms in accordance with the bylaws of their respective committees and boards. 

            Resolution #4, made by, Vice-Chairman Robert J. Birch, seconded by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera and adopted unanimously, established the official holidays that Montgomery Township offices will be closed in the year 2017. 

Resolution #5, made by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Vice Chairman Robert J. Birch and adopted unanimously, established the meeting dates for the Board of Supervisors for the year 2017. 

Resolution #6, made by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Vice Chairman Robert J. Birch and adopted unanimously, set the Treasurer’s Bond at $2,500,000.

Resolution #7, made by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera and seconded by Supervisor Jeffrey W. McDonnell, named the depositories for the Township to be Univest Bank and Trust Company, Morgan Stanley as custodian for the investments of the Police Pension Fund, and ICMA-RC as the custodian for Montgomery Township Police Pension Funds in the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP).  Resolution #7 was adopted with a 4 – 0 vote.  Supervisor Michael J. Fox abstained from voting on Resolution #7, as he is employed by Univest Bank. 

Resolution #8, made by, Supervisor Richard E. Miniscalco, seconded by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, appointed the Township Officials and Consultants for the year 2017.  Resolution#8 was adopted with a 5-0 vote.  Vice-Chairman Robert J. Birch abstained from voting on the Labor Counsel, Eckert Seamans. 

Resolution #9, made by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Supervisor Richard E. Miniscalco and adopted unanimously, certified Supervisor Robert J. Birch as the voting delegate to the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors conference for 2017.

Resolution #10, made by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Vice-Chairman Robert J. Birch and adopted unanimously, established the Board liaisons to the various Township Volunteer Committees and Boards. 

Resolution #11, made by Vice-Chairman Robert J. Birch, seconded by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera and adopted unanimously, approved the list of authorized drivers of Township-owned vehicles for commuting purposes for 2017.

Resolution #12, made by Vice-Chairman Robert J. Birch, seconded by Supervisor Richard E. Miniscalco and adopted unanimously, re-appointed the following Fire Police to serve Montgomery Township in 2017:  William Adams, Stacy Bailey, Mitchell Barrer, Greg Fitzgerald, Michael Goldberg, Robert Gruber, Timothy Johnson, Maryanne Mogensen, Matt Palm, Bud Rhoads, Joel Silver, and William Tuttle.

Resolution #13, made by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Supervisor Richard E. Miniscalco and adopted unanimously, established the Fee Schedule for 2017. 

Resolution #14, made by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Vice-Chairman Robert J. Birch and adopted unanimously, approved the maximum departmental salary/wage increases for 2017, in accordance with the adoption of the 2017 budget.

            Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 19, 2016 Board of Supervisors meeting, and Vice Chairman Robert J. Birch seconded the motion.  The minutes of the meeting were unanimously approved as submitted.

Township Manager Lawrence J. Gregan reported that the Township Real Estate Tax Collector has requested that the Tax Certification Fee be increased from $25 to $30.  The original fee of $25 has been in place since originally adopted by Ordinance 125 on November 25, 1991.  Ordinance#17-303 has been created amending the Township Code, Chapter 209, Article VI, Section 209-76(B) Taxation/Tax Certification Fee, to increase the Township’s current $25.00 Tax Certification Fee to $30.00.  Resolution #15 made by Supervisor Jeffrey W. McDonnell, seconded by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera and adopted unanimously, approved Ordinance #17-303 – Amending Chapter 209, Article VI, Section 209-76(B) Taxation/Tax Certifications/Fees.

Director of Planning and Zoning Bruce Shoupe reported that DJZZ Enterprises, L.P. has requested that the eighteen month maintenance period for the Marks Jewelers project begins.  In addition, they have requested an escrow release in the amount of $56, 212.01.  Resolution #16 made by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Vice-Chairman Robert J. Birch and adopted unanimously, authorized the escrow release in the amount of $56,212.01 and the start of the maintenance period for Marks Jewelers Project, LDS#684, located at 975 Bethlehem Pike. 

            Director of Planning and Zoning Bruce Shoupe ask to consider the waiver of permit fee for the Montgomery Township Sewer Authority for an electrical permit fee for the Gwynedd Lea Pump Station Upgrade project.  Resolution#17 made by Vice Chairman Robert J. Birch, seconded by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, and adopted unanimously, approved the request of Montgomery Township Municipal Sewer Authority to waive the electrical permit fee for the Gwynedd Lea Pump Station Upgrade Project in the amount of $960. 

            A motion to approve the payment of bills was made by Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Supervisor Jeffrey W. McDonnell, and adopted unanimously, with the exception of Supervisor Robert J. Birch abstaining from voting on the invoices for Eckert Seamans, otherwise, approval was given for the payment of bills as submitted.

            There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.