NOVEMBER 14, 2016


            At 7:00 p.m. Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera called to order the executive session.  In attendance were Supervisors Robert J. Birch, Michael J. Fox, Jeffrey W. McDonnell and Richard E. Miniscalco.  Also in attendance were Township Manager Lawrence Gregan and Township Solicitor Frank R. Bartle, Esquire. 

At 8:00 p.m. Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera called to order the action meeting.  In attendance were Supervisors Robert J. Birch, Michael J. Fox, Jeffrey W. McDonnell and Richard E. Miniscalco.  Also in attendance were Township Solicitor Frank Bartle, Esquire, Township Manager Lawrence J. Gregan, Police Chief J. Scott Bendig, Director of Fire Services Richard Lesniak, Director of Finance Ami Tarburton, Director of Administration and Human Resources Ann Shade, Assistant to the Township Manager Stacy Crandell, Director of Planning and Zoning Bruce Shoupe, Director of Public Works Kevin Costello, Director of Recreation and Community Center Floyd Shaffer, and Information Technology Director Rich Grier.

            Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera called for public comment from the audience.

            Residents from the Montgomery Pointe neighborhood expressed concern with the outstanding items that were not completed in their Development including the paving of the streets, which they voiced was a safety concern.  The following residents spoke about their concerns in Montgomery Pointe:

  • Elise Romano, 206 Ellison Drive
  • Laurie Blair, 110 Bishop Drive
  • Eric Schaller, 105 Bishop Drive and 100 Wilder Way
  • Ravi Patel, 606 Ellison Drive.

The Board of Supervisors explained that it is a huge priority for the Township and the Township representatives are continuing to meet with the Developer to make sure these items are fully addressed. 

            Township Solicitor Frank Bartle announced that the Board had met in an executive session prior to this meeting and discussed five matters.  The Board discussed two matters of personnel, including the Fire Arbitration and Police Negotiations. A potential litigation matter was discussed regarding the Cutler subdivision and a litigation matter was discussed regarding the RD Management Airport Square matter which is in the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas.  Mr. Bartle stated that these matters are legitimate subjects of executive session pursuant to Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Law.

            Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 24, 2016 Board of Supervisors meeting, and Supervisor Robert J. Birch seconded the motion.  The minutes of the meeting were unanimously approved as submitted.

Magisterial District Judge Andrea Duffy made a presentation on D.A.R.A., Drug Addiction Resource Alliance.  She explained that D.A.R.A. is a collective of local resources in our community that are available to assist those who are struggling with drug addiction and provide education and support to their families. An event will be held at the Township Building on November 17, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. to highlight the assistance that D.A.R.A. is promoting. 

Assistant to the Township Manager Stacy Crandell announced that the 2016 curbside leaf waste collection will take place on Saturday, November 19, 2016.  Residents must place the collected leaf and yard waste materials in biodegradable paper bags at the curb prior to 7:00 a.m. that day for collection. 

 Director of Finance Ami Tarburton presented the 2017 Preliminary Budget.  Four public workshops were conducted by the Board and staff during the month of October.    Ms. Tarburton stated that the proposed Total Revenues for 2017 reflect a 6.83% increase over 2016.  General Fund Revenues consist of the real estate mileage remaining at 1.49 mills in 2017 and over 75 percent of residential property owners are participating in the Homestead Exclusion (currently at $30,000) which was implemented in 2003.  Total Expenditures for 2017 show a 6.68% increase.  Upon adoption of a preliminary budget by the Board, a notice must be advertised stating that the proposed budget is available for public inspection at the Township Building.  After the approved preliminary budget has been available for public inspection for twenty (20) days, the Board of Supervisors must adopt a final budget no later than December 31, 2016.  Resolution #1 made by Supervisor Robert J. Birch seconded by Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera and adopted unanimously, adopted the 2017 Preliminary Budget for all funds and set Monday, December 12, 2016 after 8:00 p.m. in the Township Building as the date, time and place for the public meeting for consideration of adoption of the 2017 Final Budget.

Public Works Director Kevin Costello reported on the Montgomery County Consortium 2016-2017 Cooperative Rock Salt Contract.  The Township has participated in this program in the past.  The contract was awarded to Morton Salt, Inc. at the price of $59.73 per ton delivered.  This is a savings from the previous contract that was $66.10 per ton.  Resolution #2 made by Supervisor Robert J. Birch and seconded by Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera and adopted unanimously, approved the Township’s participation in the Montgomery County Consortium Salt Purchase Contract for 2016-2017 for the purchase of rock salt from Morton Salt Inc. of Chicago Illinois, at a price of $59.73 per ton delivered. 

Director of Recreation and Community Center Floyd Shaffer presented the Winter 2017 Recreation/Fitness Programs and recommended fee schedule for the Montgomery Township Community Recreation Center (MontCRC).  The Winter 2017 Recreation program schedule will be valid from January 2017 through the end of April 2017.  All MontCRC activities will be promoted through normal publicity channels which include; the Township Website, www.montcrc.com, public access cable channels, E-News, appropriate social media outlets and the Winter 2017 printed recreation newsletter. Resolution #3 made by Supervisor Robert J. Birch and seconded by Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera and adopted unanimously, approved the Winter 2017 Recreation Programs and the recommended fees. 

Director of Recreation and Community Center Floyd Shaffer presented the 2017 Kids University Fees.  The 2017 Kids U program is slated to begin Monday, June 19th and complete on Friday, August 18th.  Registration is proposed to start on Wednesday, March 1, 2017.  Approval of the weekly fees at this point in time will allow the Recreation Department to publicize the registration rates in the Winter 2017 Recreation News.  Resolution #4 made by Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera and seconded by Supervisor Robert J. Birch approved the 2017 Kids University Fees. 

Police Chief Scott Bendig reported that with the dedication of Enclave Boulevard, the Police Department is recommending revisions to the Montgomery Township Code regarding Chapter 222, Vehicles and Traffic.  The proposed revisions, as outlined in proposed Ordinance #16-301, would designate the speed limit for Enclave Boulevard as 25mph for the entire length; designate Stop Sign restrictions on Enclave Boulevard at the intersections of both Route 309 and Hartman Road; and designate Enclave Boulevard as a Snow Emergency Route.  In addition, the Police Department had previously recommended revisions to the stop sign regulations for the intersection of Beechwood Drive at Sycamore Drive.  This revision was inadvertently missed from Ordinance #16-299 which was adopted in September.  Resolution #5 made by Supervisor Robert J. Birch, seconded by Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera and adopted unanimously, approved Ordinance #16-301, Amending Speed Limits, Stop Intersections and Emergency Routes Designated.

Director of Planning and Zoning Bruce Shoupe reported that a release of construction escrow for the Kidalas Court development was recommended by the Township Engineer and Township Landscape Architect.  This will end the maintenance period for this development.  The current amount of the cash escrow is $37,869.44.   The release of this cash escrow will close this account, as all public improvements have been satisfactorily completed. Resolution #6 made by Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Supervisor Robert J. Birch and adopted unanimously, approved the release of the construction escrow for Kidalas Court Development in the amount of $37,869.44. 

Township Manager Lawrence J. Gregan reported that the first meeting of Wissahickon TMDL Alternative Management Committee was held on Thursday, October 27, 2016 at the Temple University Ambler Campus.  During this initial meeting, the topics covered included organization of the Management Committee, election of officers and the planning process to be undertaken to develop the Alternative TMDL.  A copy of the power point presentation from the meeting, which outlines the organization and process for the study is attached.

Prior to moving forward on this project, the Board of Supervisors will need to appoint a primary and an alternate delegate to represent the Township on the Management Committee.  The Management Committee will be a decision-making group, so it is important for the Board to appoint a primary and alternate delegate that will have the authority to speak and vote on behalf of Montgomery Township.  For continuity purposes, the primary and alternate delegate should be prepared to serve on the Management Committee for the next two years.  Resolution #7 made by Supervisor Michael J. Fox, seconded by Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera and adopted unanimously, appointed Supervisor Michael J. Fox and Township Manager Lawrence J. Gregan as the primary and alternate delegate to represent Montgomery Township on the Management Committee for the Wissahickon Alternative TMDL.  

Township Manager Lawrence J. Gregan reported that on October 7, 2015, Governor Wolf approved an amendment to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. The amendment, known previously as House Bill 33, provides for the appointment of up to three alternate members to the Township’s Planning Commissions. Alternates may not serve as members of the zoning hearing board or as a zoning officer. The term of office of an alternate member is designated as four (4) years. Resolution #8 made by Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Supervisor Robert J. Birch and adopted unanimously, authorized the advertisement of Ordinance#16-302- Amending Chapter 34 of the Township Code, Planning Commission, adding Section 34-9 making provision for appointment of the Alternate Members on the Township Planning Commission. 

            A motion to approve the payment of bills was made by Vice Chairman Candyce Fluehr Chimera, seconded by Supervisor Michael J. Fox, and adopted unanimously, with the exception of Supervisor Robert J. Birch abstaining from voting on the invoices for Eckert Seamans, otherwise, approval was given for the payment of bills as submitted.

            There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:05p.m.